Shrike attacks

The Shrike Attacks In Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Episode 3 Preview

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Star Trek: Picard season 3 episode 3 is just a few hours away, if you’re willing to stay up late. And things are looking bad for the U.S.S. Titan. Although the Titan is one of the Federation’s top ships, it is completely outclassed by The Shrike, a war vessel of unknown origin. At the conclusion of last week’s episode, Titan fled into a nebula to avoid a battle. However, the new preview scene from episode 3 demonstrates that The Shrike attacks at a very inopportune moment for our heroes.

What they really need here is some of that old Next Generation Enterprise magic. And they’re going to get it, even if a familiar dynamic is flipped.

You may recall that the last ship called Titan was William Riker’s first command at the end of Star Trek: Nemesis. The new Titan was never captained by Riker… until now. Captain Shaw has officially handed over command of his ship. And for once, Jean-Luc Picard is following Riker’s lead.

However, this is all just a temporary solution. When The Shrike attacks again, the Titan may not be able to withstand another assault. And this showdown is only the beginning of Picard‘s final season and the last adventure of the TNG crew. There’s a bigger conspiracy at hand, and we don’t know all of the players yet.

Star Trek: Picard season 3 episode 3 will premiere on Thursday, March 2.

What do you think about the clip from episode 3? Let us know in the comment section below!

Recommended Reading: Star Trek: The Next Generation: Through The Mirror

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