New Titans Season 4 Photos Reveal Mother Mayhem and Jinx

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Even more Titans season 4 images have arrived before the series makes its triumphant return to the airwaves this fall. DC and HBO Max already gave us our first look at Joseph Morgan as Brother Blood yesterday. But luckily for us, the character reveals didn’t stop there. Joining Morgan on the show this year are Franka Potente and Lisa Ambalavanar as Mother Mayhem and Jinx, respectively. You can view photos of their new villains below

Similar to Brother Blood, the name “Mother Mayhem” is a mantle adopted by the wife of the Church of Blood’s current leader. She also gives birth to the next Brother Blood, who will one day murder his father and inherit this title for himself. Potente is playing the May Bennett version of the character, who was famously introduced in The New Teen Titans #21 in 1982 alongside her husband, Sebastian Blood VIII (Morgan). The images from the HBO Max series show Potente dressed in full gothic regalia, complete with her own scepter that might also function as a battle axe.


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RELATED: Titans Season 4 Reveals First Look at Joseph Morgan as Brother Blood

Jinx, on the other hand, first appeared in Tales of the Teen Titans #56 in 1985. Created by Marv Wolfman and Chuck Patton, she was a sorceress who could command the elements and manipulate magical energies. Jinx later became a member of the Fearsome Five, but it doesn’t look like this team of supervillains will be showing up in Titans’ upcoming episodes. Concept art for the character reveals that she was originally supposed to be bald like her comic book counterpart. But instead, Ambalavanar will sport mid-length Pink hair for Jinx’s live-action debut, along with a more modest interpretation of her classic costume.


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Titans season 4 will premiere on HBO Max sometime in November.

Are you excited to see what Potente and Ambalavanar bring to the new season? Let us know in the comment section below!

Recommended Reading: The New Teen Titans, Vol. 1

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