House of the Dragon Episode 5 – What Did You Think?!

Warning: There are spoilers ahead for House of the Dragon episode 5!

How does the old saying go? “A Dothraki wedding without at least three deaths is considered a dull affair.” The same could be said for Game of Thrones weddings. And apparently it’s very bad luck to be a Joffrey at a wedding in Westeros. The fifth episode of House of the Dragon has debuted, we want to know what the Superhero Hype community thinks about it! This post is a place for all of you to leave your own reviews, thoughts, or anything else you want to say about House of the Dragon episode 5.

In the outskirts of the Vale, we finally meet Daemon Targaryen’s estranged wife, Lady Rhea Royce, and…she’s kind of beautiful. She is not at all as Daemon described her while out on her morning hunt. Rhea soon comes across Daemon himself and throws his previous insults back in his face following his exile from King’s Landing. Surely this entertaining dynamic between them will be explored throughout the episode…oh wait, she’s dead. Daemon wasted little time murdering his wife and making it appear to be a riding accident.

On the journey to Driftmark, King Viserys’ health is clearly failing him. To add insult to injury, Lord Corlys and his wife, Rhaenys, snub the king by making him come to them. In private, Viserys proposes a marriage between Rhaenyra and her cousin (Corlys and Rhaenys’ son), Laenor Velaryon. Before they accept, Corlys and Rhaenys push Viserys for assurances that Rhaenyra is still his heir and that their grandchildren will continue to use the family name.

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As their parents make plans, Rhaenyra and Laenor make arrangements of their own. Rhaenyra subtly acknowledges her awareness that Laenor is gay and proposes that their marriage will be in name only. They will produce heirs, but they will also have their own lovers. Laenor’s lover, the unfortunately named Ser Joffrey Lonmouth, is pleased by this outcome. However, Ser Criston Cole is not. Criston also impulsively asks Rhaenyra to run away with him to Esos so they can get married. But she simply wants a lover, not an escape hatch from her destiny.

Before former hand of the king, Otto Hightower, departs King’s Landing in disgrace, he warns his daughter, Queen Alicent, that Rhaenyra will someday have to murder Alicent’s children to secure her claim on the throne.  Although Alicent is reluctant to believe her father, she soon learns that Rhaenyra was given a concoction to abort any child that she may have conceived. Much to Alicent’s shock, Criston confesses that he was the one who slept with Rhaenyra, not Daemon as Alicent expected.

During the subsequent feast before Rhaenyra and Laenor’s weeklong wedding celebration, Daemon crashes the party. Rhea’s cousin, Ser Gerold Royce, accuses him of murdering his wife. In turn, Daemon mentions that he will claim Rhea’s inheritance as his own. Meanwhile, Joffrey figures out that Criston is in love with Rhaenyra and he brazenly suggests that they should swear to protect their respective lovers.

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Viserys’ welcome speech to the guests is interrupted by his wife, Alicent, who arrives in a green dress that signifies a call to arms for House Hightower. Tensions rise at the party, especially when Daemon takes Rhaenyra aside and asks if this wedding is what she truly wants. In the crowd, chaos breaks out when Criston viciously assaults and murders Joffrey. Laenor doesn’t bother to hide his emotions as he mourns his lover’s death and Criston walks off in disgrace.

A short time later, Rhaenyra and Laenor are married in a private ceremony even as a rodent sips from Joffrey’s blood. Upon the marriage of his daughter, Viserys collapses in front of everyone. Elsewhere, Criston removes his Kingsguard armor and prepares to commit suicide. However, Alicent stops Criston from taking his life for her own purposes.

We still want to know what you think. So make sure to leave your reviews for House of the Dragon episode 5 in the comment section below!

Recommended Reading: Fire & Blood: 300 Years Before A Game of Thrones

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