Marvel and Disney+ Debut a Character Poster For Loki’s “Variant”

Marvel and Disney+ Debut a Character Poster For Loki’s Variant

Warning: There are spoilers ahead for Loki episode 2!

The first two episodes of Loki led viewers to believe that a doppelganger of Tom Hiddleston’s God of Mischief was behind the TVA’s troubles. However, she’s not what we expected. As revealed in episode 2’s closing moments, the Variant is a female incarnation of Loki, as played by Sophia Di Martino.  Now, Disney+ and Marvel Studios have also put Lady Loki in the spotlight with a new character poster.

RELATED: Loki Episode 2 – What Did You Think?!

Regardless, there is still some question about whether the Variant is truly a Loki. The international credits for Loki named Di Martino’s character as “Sylvie.” That also happens to be the name of the second Enchantress, Sylvie Lushton. The original Enchantress is one of the most notable Thor characters who hasn’t appeared in the MCU yet. But it’s still unclear if the credit as “Sylvie” was a clue or a mistake.

The first two episodes of Loki are streaming on Disney+. Episode 3 will premiere on Wednesday, June 23

What do you think about the new poster for Loki’s Variant? Also, do you think she’s really the Enchantress? Let us know in the comment section below!

Recommended Reading: Loki: Agent of Asgard – The Complete Collection

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