Crisis on Infinite Earths Episode 2 – What Did You Think?!

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Even after a nearly a decade since the end of Smallville, Tom Welling still won’t wear a supersuit! Last night’s Crisis on Infinite Earths episode 2 revealed that Welling’s Clark Kent was Superman. However, this Clark gave up his powers to start a family with Erica Durance’s Lois Lane. This may be the last time we see this Clark, but at least he got to punch Lex Luthor one more time.

Regardless, the biggest highlight was the introduction of Brandon Routh’s Kingdom Come Superman…complete with John Williams’ Superman theme! Naturally, Lex engineered a fight between Rough’s Superman and the Arrowverse’s Superman. But in the end, the heroes united.

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Unfortunately, the same couldn’t be said of former Batman, Bruce Wayne. Kate Kane/Batwoman and Kara Danvers/Supergirl tried to recruit old Bruce to their cause. However, this Bruce was a killer. He even murdered his world’s Superman long before Lex Luthor could do it.

Additionally, Mia Smoak, Sara Lance, and Barry Allen turned to John Constantine for help bringing Oliver Queen back from the dead. They succeeded at raising his body, but his spirit may be another matter. Meanwhile, Lyla Michaels has apparently betrayed the Monitor without realizing it until now. And the Anti-Monitor has arrived…

Crisis on Infinite Earths episode 3 will be tonight’s episode of Batwoman on The CW.

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Recommended Reading: Crisis on Infinite Earths

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