The Flash

The Flash Episode 5.17 Promo: Time Bomb

Failure has become Nora’s brand on The Flash. The future daughter of Barry and Iris just wanted to know her father before he disappears in the upcoming Crisis. But to get her speed, Nora made a dangerous alliance with the Reverse-Flash, Eobard Thawne. However, Nora changed the past when she directly intervened in the downfall of the Thinker’s satellite. Cicada, the meta human serial killer, was born out of that serious mistake. Team Flash has tried to take him down again and again to no avail. Now, in The Flash episode 5.17 promo, it’s time for Nora to come clean and reveal her secrets.

Even Thawne is encouraging Nora to tell Barry the truth in the video below. Unfortunately for Nora, Barry’s response is less forgiving than she may have hoped for.

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Here’s the official description from The CW: “NORA DECIDES TO TELL BARRY AND IRIS THE TRUTH ABOUT THAWNE – Team Flash finds out that a suburban mom named Vickie Bolen (guest star Catherine Lough Haggquist) is in danger and they race to save her. Upon meeting her, they discover she’s a meta-human who is hiding her abilities from her family. Barry (Grant Gustin) encourages Vickie to share her secret with her family, which makes Nora (Jessica Parker Kennedy) realize she needs to come clean with her parents about Thawne (Tom Cavanagh).”

The Flash Episode 5.17 “Time Bomb” will air on Tuesday, March 19, on The CW. What do you think about the new promo? Let us know in the comment section below!

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