James Cameron Confirms Battle Angel Alita

“Titanic” and “Terminator 2: Judgment Day” director James Cameron has confirmed to NPR that he will next helm the big screen adaptation of Yukito Kishiro’s anime comic Battle Angel Alita.

“We’re in pre-production right now on a project called ‘Battle Angel’ which is something I’ve been working on for several years and we’re just, we’re finishing up the shooting draft right now. We’ve been designing, it’s a big science fiction film and a couple things that will be interesting about this project,” he says in the interview.

Cameron added that “the main character, even though it’s a live action film, the main character will be done with CG animation and the second thing that’s interesting is we’re going to be shooting it in 3D using the stereo imagining system that we’ve been developing for the documentaries.”

You can learn more about the character at Kishiro’s official website.

Source: Steward
