Michael Shannon on Getting Cast as Zod

On the heels of yesterday’s announcement that Michael Shannon has joined Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel comes video of the actor talking about the getting cast in the part of General Zod. The video arrives courtesy of the RiverRun International Film Festival (via /Film) where Shannon spoke about his craft.

"It’s ridiculous!" says Shannon of the casting, "It just came out of nowhere. I’m talking to my agent and she goes, ‘How about Superman?’ ‘What?’ The idea that I would ever be in ‘Superman’. ‘Are you serious?’"

Shannon goes on to reveal that, while he wasn’t allowed to read a script, Snyder spent a half hour detailing the whole film for him and championed him for the part over a month-long process wherein he screentested against Henry Cavill (of whom he says, "I think this guy’ll be alright.")

Shannon also talks about having seen the previous Superman films and being an admirer of Christopher Reeve’s performance.

Check out the full video of Shannon’s comments below!

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