The comic book series, which launched from Image’s Shadowline Comics late last year, is the brainchild of writer AJ Lieberman and artist Riley Rossmo. Begun as a miniseries and soon expanded to an ongoing title, the official solicitation for the first issue is as follows:
COWBOY NINJA VIKING is the creation of Doctor Sebastian Ghislain, a psychotherapist who recruits Multiple Personality Disorder patients to produce a unit of counter-intelligence agents called Triplets. But what happens when those guys become out of control assassins? That’s when the deadliest Triplet of them all, COWBOY NINJA VIKING, is called in to take down his own brethren.
Currently on its tenth issue, Cowboy Ninja Viking is not the first comic book property for Wernick and Reese. The pair also drafted the still-unproduced Deadpool.