Chinese Godzilla vs. Kong Trailer Includes a Massive Spoiler

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Granted, anyone who’s been paying attention to the Internet stories and merchandise leaks might know this spoiler already. But for those who have not, and don’t want to know what larger forces might be afoot in the Monsterverse, be careful what you watch. The new Chinese trailer includes a lot of new footage, including weird levitating rocks, hints of the hollow earth, and more battles. But at the very end, something gets shown that has not shown up or been discussed in any prior trailer. Considering that Godzilla vs. Kong may not be the kind of movie anyone goes to for the plot, that may not matter.

However, anyone who wants to go in cold should consider this a big warning. And will want to click away right now, because the title of the video itself is a spoiler.

Still here?

Unfazed by such things?

Then go ahead and take a look at the trailer below:

RELATED: First Reactions to Godzilla vs. Kong Are Decidedly Mixed

Funko already spoiled it, and director Adam Wingard even showed off a toy on Instagram, but now it’s official. A new Mecha-Godzilla will show up, presumably forcing both titans to put aside their differences and beat up the big robot. Though Wingard also says that between Godzilla and Kong, there will definitely be a winner. So who knows how the match-ups play out?

Does the new revelation make you want to see the movie more? Less? The same? Let us know in comments.

Recommended Reading: The Art of Godzilla: King of the Monsters

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