Viewers are currently buzzing with an interesting question: what happened to Darkwing II, and how did he end up at the conclusion of Invincible Season 3? The latest installment centers around the Guardians of the Globe as they face the wrath of Angstrom Levy and his evil variants of Mark Grayson. While the heroes struggle to fight such a deadly situation, they receive a helping hand from Darkwing II, who now claims to be a changed man. In the end, the fight ends uncertainly for him, leaving fans wondering about his potential return next season. Here are details on what happened to Darkwing II’s character and if he died or survived in Season 3.
Here’s what Darkwing did to make Invincible against him
Darkwing II’s brutal sense of justice has long put him at odds with Invincible. His willingness to kill in the name of righteousness clashed with Mark Grayson’s moral code, leading to their deep-seated animosity. Even after serving time in prison, Mark refused to forgive him, enraged by his supposed transformation.
In Invincible Season 3 Episode 7, he helps Guardian of the Globes with dealing with the threats at hand. While doing it, he leverages his access to Shadowverse, taking one of Mark’s evil variants with him and trapping him inside the dimension. In the end, Cecil and the Global Defense Agency confirm that he is missing and presumed dead. However, with no confirmed demise, speculation remains about whether he could return in the future.
Where is Darkwing after Invincible Season 3?
While the season’s conclusion regarded Dark Wing II as dead, the post-credit scene subtly hints at his potential return.
In the scene, Damien Darkblood makes a comeback from hell after being banished by Cecil. He offers good news to the Dark One, claiming that he can aid him in resecuring his infernal throne. He explains how a powerful surface dweller’s dark heart will be tied to the Dark One. Moreover, he already knows how to summon him. Many theories have emerged about Damien Darkblood playing a key role in Darkwing II’s return but it remains unclear for now. In the comics, Darkwing II was saved by Guardians of the Globe from the dark dimension in Issue #144.