Who Is Marvel’s Jun-Fan? What If…? Season 3’s Iron Fist Explained
Photo Credit: Disney+ / Marvel Studios Animation

Who Is Marvel’s Jun-Fan? What If…? Season 3’s Iron Fist Explained

What If…? Season 3 Episode 6 introduced audiences to a character named Jun-Fan, a young talented fighter who was implied to have some connection to Iron Fist via a throwaway line. Accordingly, viewers have become intrigued by Jun-Fan and wish to learn more about his role in Marvel Comics.

Curious about What If…? Season 3’s Jun-Fan? Here’s all you need to know about the character.

Is What If…? Season 3’s Jun-Fan Iron Fist in Marvel comics?

In Marvel Comics, Kwai Jun-Fan is a predecessor of Danny Rand in the Iron Fist mantle. He first appeared in Immortal Iron Fist #17. The character served as Iron Fist in 1878 AD, during the Wild West era, until he was murdered by Zhou Cheng. Zhou Cheng served as a host for Ch’i-Lin, a mythical beast whose purpose was to kill an Iron Fist during their 33rd birthday and use their heart to access and consume a dragon egg.

In What If…? Season 3 Episode 6, Kwai Jun-Fan’s placement in the Wild West era is adapted from the comics, as the episode is set during that time. However, the only difference is Jun-Fan being depicted as a young boy instead of an adult man.

In the episode, the character accompanies Kate Bishop and Shang-Chi in their quest to find the latter’s sister and stop The Hood. The former, seeking to find his father, proves himself valuable to the latter two. He proves his usefulness by revealing information on a ghost train carrying Chinese prisoners.

Kate Bishop even indirectly alludes to Jun-Fan’s Iron Fist connection by mentioning he had “some iron fists on him.” Interestingly, What If…?’s director Bryan Andrews mentioned in an Agents of Fandom interview that he’d once planned on using Danny Rand’s Iron Fist for a Kung-Fu centric episode. This episode would have also featured Shang-Chi. However, those plans fell through after Marvel Studios told Andrews to drop them.

What If…? Season 3 is currently streaming on Disney Plus.

Originally reported by Abdul Azim Naushad on ComingSoon.
