Hot Toys Adds Star Wars Enemy Troop Variants and a Droid

It’s hardly a surprise to Star Wars collectors paying attention that right after announcing a figure of BT-1, Doctor Aphra’s fully weaponized astromech droid, Hot Toys would add his partner.

0-0-0 is everything Threepio could never dream of being, despite coming from the same protocol droid design. He’s got those Sith language red eyes, and hands that generate sparks, buzz saws, blades, and syringes. You can tell him the odds…and he’ll tell you where to stick them. Politely, of course, since he’s versed in protocol, diplomacy, etiquette…and torture. He’s also popular, as Sideshow’s preorder allotment already sold out, but their waitlist is open.

Begin Landing Your Troops

This is the second drop of three new Star Wars Hot Toys figures in two days. Will they keep up this pace, or is this it? For those who only collect individual characters, however, today’s other two releases are variants. Non-completists may save money here, while newcomers to the collection have a chance to pick out the latest and best versions.

First up is a Stormtrooper with Imperial hallway diorama. The Empire, as we know, does love their rounded-oblong vertical line lights, but the display backdrop/base comes double-sided. The back part doesn’t light up, but features a gray wall with various shape indentations. The light-up side includes a base and crotch-underhook stand. As for the Stormtrooper himself, he includes a fabric under-armor bodysuit, one blaster, and multiple hands. At $240, he’s cheap for Hot Toys, and the dioramas can go side-by-side to make larger backdrops.

The third reveal of today is a chrome variant of Clone Commander Cody, and he isn’t even available online firsthand, but in certain select markets. Good luck getting your hands on this guy, who includes Episode II and Episode III-style helmets, a jetpack, and long and short blasters. No chromed Temuera Morrison likeness, though.

Take a look at some more images in the galleries below.

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