Toy Review: McFarlane Does DC Movies With Gold Wonder Woman 1984

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When McFarlane Toys first announced they had the DC license, fans may have felt some disappointment that no movie figures came first. The company announced, and even listed on cardbacks, a Birds of Prey Harley Quinn, but that never happened. And for a company so known for getting great realism and likenesses in their toys, it seemed odd that the first wave was mostly based on Bruce Timm animation and stylized artwork. The one realistic figure, a version of Oliver Queen based on Arrow, actually became the lowlight of the line. But now comes their first direct movie tie-in, with two figures based on Wonder Woman 1984. The classic costume figure based on her standard outfit seems to sell more quickly. However, the gold Wonder Woman, in Kingdom Come-inspired eagle armor, catches the eye more.

At first, the likeness may seem a bit pudgy-faced. But take a look at some of the official movie art, and it starts to look a lot more accurate. From the right angle, Gal Gadot does seem to have a wider jawline than one may remember. The face clearly uses digital printing to get the colors right. That above pic is at an angle, and enlarged, in a way that makes the eyes look less even than they are.

No spoilers to speak of on the included trading card. We’ll just have to keep guessing how and why Diana gets the bird suit.

Gold Wonder Woman’s accessory, besides the wings, is a transparent flight stand which is impressively see-through. Other companies have tried and failed on this score before. The base plate also functions as a standard McFarlane stand with a footpeg and etched DC logo. The clip adjusts notch-by-notch to grip the figure, most effectively (but not necessarily) at the waist.

Almost no US toy company uses vac-metal chrome effects on figures any more, but the shiny paint makes as acceptable a substitute as anyone’s going to get. Certainly it’s more eye-catching than Power Rangers’ Goldar, whose non-shiny “gold” scheme cheapens the look of a great sculpt. Wonder Woman’s does the opposite. It enhances an already intricate base figure.

The wings attach with small ball joints, which mostly allow them poseability in a straight-back position rather than wide. Folding down into a non-light position isn’t really possible. Though they can go down to make right-angles, looking like the shape of a Rocketeer helmet pointing up.

Minus the wing joints, articulation is the standard McFarlane 20-ish articulation points. Elbows and knees are double jointed. And while her wrists and ankles still have the overly obvious ball-joints, they effectively hide in most of the common poses. Mid torso ball and waist joints hide beneath the flexible lower torso armor, which also helps cover the hip joints.

Here’s how she scales with other 7-inch figures:

Good enough for McFarlane and NECA, in other words. Meanwhile, Diamond Select’s slightly inconsistent version of 7-inch might seem off. (The Tron figures feel a smidge too tall.) She’ll work for NECA fans who need a WW next to the Alien/Predator crossover Superman, Batman, and Green Lantern figures. And here’s hoping that next year’s release of the Snyder Cut sees McFarlane do a whole movie Justice League.

Of all the McFarlane DC figures sampled by Superhero Hype thus far, Gold Wonder Woman is easily the best. She combines an excellent sculpt with a fully articulated body in a way that ’90s fans only dreamed McFarlane would ever consider. And if the company continues to improve at this rate, future entertainment tie-ins ought to impress. Maybe we could even get an Arrow 2.0 made with all the things they’ve learned so far.

Check out a full gallery of the figure below.

Buy it now! McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Wonder Woman Gold Armor: Wonder Woman 1984 Action Figure

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