The new DC Universe series reveals multiple origins before the Doom Patrol inadvertently summons their new enemy, Mr. Nobody.
After nearly twenty years in development, the live-action version of Alita: Battle Angel is finally here. But was it worth…
Gordon and an unlikely team take on Eduardo while Penguin and Selina form a new alliance to take out a…
With Barry temporarily out of the picture, Nora finds herself in over her head as she tries to save Team…
Jennifer begins her quest for revenge in the name of Khalil, but Tobias has bigger, more lucrative fish to fry.
The Star City Slayer targets Team Arrow, while Oliver and Felicity make a choice about the future of their family…
The Hilltop is rocked by a loss, while Michonne and Daryl begin searching for answers about a new threat and…
Weekend Watch – Exploring The Origins, Evolution & Development of Alita: Battle Angel Welcome to Weekend Watch, a recurring feature where…
Although The LEGO Movie 2 is largely a worthy follow-up, it struggles to retain the charm and imagination of it's…
Jennifer struggles to internalize Khalil's death as Markovian forces descend on Freeland and Tobias prepares to unleash a devastating force.
Now that Ben Affleck has stepped aside for a younger Batman, we're taking a look back at the Batfleck saga…
Oliver and the former members of Team Arrow face unwanted scrutiny as a vigilante documentary is filmed during a time…
With the recent announcement that Venom 2 is officially happening, we're taking a look at 5 things we want to…
We're taking a look at everything related to The LEGO movie 2 - including clips, behind-the-scenes features, and more!
A new ally arrives in the city, while Nygma searches for more answers, and Bruce grapples with Selina's morality.
The Death of Superman is easily one most iconic Superman stories of all time. Does Reign of the Supermen, live…
Now that Glass has had the chance to surprise audiences far and wide, we're examining the film's failure to live…
All the bullets, blood and broken psyches came crashing down as The Punisher wrapped up its second, and likely final,…
Dinah's suspicions about Krista boil over, Amy tracks down Pilgrim, and Frank secures a bargaining chip against the Schultz family.
Snyder and Tynion tease big things ahead for the DC Universe, as the writers breakdown the cataclysmic events of Justice…