More Spider-Man 3 Filming Updates

It looks like Spider-Man 3 crews will be shooting in Los Angeles again. Scooper ‘POWdER-man’ tells us that the production will be doing some re-shoots in Los Angeles later this summer.

In another Blog, the person says that his/her apartment will be used for filming:

spiderman verdict, it’s official.

my apartment will be used in spiderman 3.

they called my roommate today and he gave me their number, so i called them. the shot will take place monday night, june 19. they will need 2-3 days to prep the apartment. i’m not sure what all is going to go into the prepping, except that they will paint the room, install a tin ceiling and move things. they will remove or leave whatever we want them to. i’m not sure if this means their furniture or even tobey mcguire, but that would be nice.

and we don’t have to vacate the premises.

paperwork will be brought to me on wednesday.

an insurance contract of some sort.

with all of the specifications.

the important thing is that both my apartment and i have now achieved a level of semi-fame.

Also, ‘SuperSpiderGrl5407’ has more on the New York shooting:

Last night (Sunday) I went to the Spider-Man 3 set on William and Pine Streets, thanks to SHH! We got there early and saw them setting up and so on. I did spot some grips carrying around large posters (storyboards?) that said ‘Final Battle’ and ‘Manhattan Chase’.

Nothing too exciting happened, they were only doing crowd reaction shots and no stars were there. But Laura Ziskin and Sam Raimi (who I got to meet!) were there.

Down the street on William they were changing the exterior of a building and turning it into “Restaurant Constellation”. I also overheard Sam talking to some of the crew members saying that ‘he’ would come out of the restaurant, bounce off the taxis and jump up to a building across the street. Most likely ‘he’ is Spider-Man. This also proposes that there is a restaurant scene.

The shoot began to get underway and there were a bunch of ‘exotic’ looking extras and a few young kids. My father was talking to an extra and said that they were supposed to keep all of Monday open for shooting. No word on stuff later this week.

Source: POWdER-man

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