Halle Berry is returning as Storm in X-Men 3, and ‘BJ’ says the actress appeared on CNN yesterday and talked about the third installment:
Halle Berry was interviewed on CNN’s Showbiz Tonight last night (7/13) and mentioned a few details about X3. Most notably she stated that it was the last X-movie they would make to complete a trilogy. I saw the piece at work, so I know very few details about the rest of her interview.
XMenFilms.net tells us Halle Berry appeared in New York to present $150,000 to the American Heart Association, on behalf of Oral B.
She spoke with EXTRA about X3. “Maybe the producers will let me use this cape that I’ve worn for two movies now, and never use.” said Berry. So now I’m hoping Storm is going to fly! Not the plane, I’m not talking about the plane! Fly!”
Later (at the same event), she talked to ACCESS HOLLYWOOD, and revealed even more of her plans for X3! “I’m working out with my trainer, Harley so I can get that Storm superhero body back together.”
But lets not stop there. SHOWBIZ TONIGHT got the longest quote from her about X3! They caught up with her at the same event, and Berry tried to give info, without revealing much. “It [X3] is in production. Storm’s going to fly…I hope! There’s going to be lots of…there’s going to be some new X-Men characters from the comic book series that you haven’t seen before. And it is the end, so prepare for some big, you know…ending, if you will…to occur.
Halle recently said the following bit on her official website:
I’ve been laying low trying to take a much needed rest and now I am ready to hit the ground running with my “X” suit on!
Berry also received an Emmy nomination for her role in “Their Eyes Were Watching God” this morning, and “Lackawanna Blues,” which she executive-produced, received nods as well. You can view the list of nominees here.
Source: BJ