Latest on Spider-Man 2 Appearances & Promos

‘Oscorp_Founder’ alerted us that the official Spider-Man 2 website has posted a convenient list of when/where the cast will be on TV and in magazines.

‘Landon’ has posted online a new interview from Millimeter magazine with visual effects supervisor John Dykstra talking about the Spider-Man 2 special effects.

Also, ‘Fake_name’ says that E! News Live will have coverage from tonight’s premiere on tomorrow’s show (expect coverage on all the entertainment programs).

‘MIG’ also caught the MTV Spider-Man 2 movie game preview…

I came home last night at about 10 minutes after 11pm and what a pleasant surprise it was turn on MTV and see a sneak peak at the Spider-Man 2 video game. It was basically a making of special and they showed a lot of footage from the game and of the actors doing the voice work (Molina, Maguire, and Dunst all do their respected characters). The game looks freakin’ awesome. I can’t wait myself to play, especially after seeing Spidey in action in the video game.

Source: Superhero Hype!
