Jessica Biel Spills Blade: Trinity Spoilers!

Jessica Biel has been spilling the beans on Blade: Trinity during her “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” publicity interviews. Fangoria talked to Biel who shared quite a bit. Here’s just a snippet…

With her horror debut in the TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE set to tear up screens next week, actress Jessica Biel is already deep into work on her genre follow-up, the vampire-slayer sequel BLADE: TRINITY, also for New Line. “My character is Abigail,” she says of her part in the film, currently rolling Vancouver. “I don’t think I can give away exactly who I am in the movie, because it’s a little bit of a secret at the moment. But the story is that Blade [Wesley Snipes] and Whistler [Kris Kristofferson] have been dodging the police for a long time. The vampires set him up and catch Blade on video, and they find out where his base is and the cops arrest him.

There’s much, much more at the link above, if you’re willing to know in advance.

Source: Fangoria
