Warren Ellis on the Constantine Adaptation

Cinescape reports that ex-Hellblazer comic book writer Warren Ellis talked about the Constantine movie in his latest newsletter…

Ellis had a chance meeting with actress Tilda Swinton who is contemplating taking the role of the archangel Gabriel in the picture. The two of them began discussing the movie, the comic series and the character Swinton may be playing. “She said something I found fascinating: in an America where a president again invokes the term Evil in public statements, there’s the potential to say something very interesting in a major-studio film about Biblical good and evil,” comments Ellis in his newsletter. “To present the angel Gabriel as a figure of horror; there’s space to say something that in the mainstream of American culture is certainly subversive. She characterised Reeves as an intelligent, ‘spiritual’ man, and thinks there might be the possibility, with Reeves there, to do something challenging.”

You can read what he thinks about the casting of Keanu Reeves as the title character at the source link above!

Source: Cinescape

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