Video Interviews: Will and Jaden Smith on After Earth

Set in a universe where Earth itself has effectively “evicted” humanity with catastrophic climate change, After Earth picks up 1,000 years into humanity’s future. There, the elder Smith plays Kitai Raige, a legendary member of a Ranger Corps dedicated to intergalactic peace. Said to be able to overcome fear itself, Cypher is father to Jaden’s Kitai Raige, a young man desperate to live up to his father’s legacy. When an accident forces their ship to crash land on Earth, both father and son find themselves the only survivors and, with his father injured, it’s up to Kitai to brave massive jungles, environments that can freeze over without a moment’s notice and wildlife that evolution has turned into perfect killing machines.

Check out the interviews in the player below wherein they both discuss the world-building of their new adventure, working together as a family unit and the positive message they’re hoping to communicate to audiences about humanity’s future.

After Earth hits theaters May 31. Check back later this week, too, for more details about our Spaceport visit!
