What If Galactus Transformed Hulk cover cropped Ron Lim
(Image Source: Marvel / Ron Lim)

What If…? Galactus Transformed Hulk? #1 Review: Cosmic Rage

Marvel Comics has continually used the What If…? brand to explore ideas that couldn’t last in the main universe. What If…? Galactus Transformed Hulk? #1 is a prime example of this, exploring what would happen if Bruce Banner got the Power Cosmic. It is an interesting idea, albeit one that goes largely unexplored and seems to be cut short at its climax.

The opening scene has Galactus approaching Bruce Banner at some unspecified point in time. The Devourer of Worlds suggests that the Hulk might make an ideal herald. Banner is skeptical until Galactus points out that the Incredible Hulk cannot endanger the Earth if he is seeking out other worlds in deep space.

Bruce Banner bcomes Herald of Galactus in What If Galactus Transformed Hulk
(Image Source: Marvel / Lan Medina)

Strangely enough, the Power Cosmic seems to give Banner more control over his transformations. It also enables him to devote his time to evacuating those worlds Galactus must consume when they allow themselves to be saved. Most, unfortunately, do not. This leads the Avengers to stand against their former ally when a Kree colony world is threatened.

What If…? Galactus Transformed Hulk? seems unfinished

Mat Groom presents some interesting ideas, but What If…? Galactus Transformed Hulk? seems like the middle of a larger story. There’s tremendous potential, for instance, in exploring Banner’s alienation as he separates himself from Earth to save it. Seeing Bruce turning his genius and his new powers toward controlling Hulk and saving other worlds makes for an interesting conflict.

Unfortunately, this idea is sidelined in favor of Cosmic Hulk fighting three Avengers. The fact that Tony Stark appropriated Doctor Doom’s cosmic harness for his new Hulkbuster to even the odds doesn’t help. Indeed, that makes the fight even more boring since it eliminates the Power Cosmic from the equation. The story also comes to a sudden stop, with Hulk deciding to turn on Galactus after the people he was fighting tell him the Hulk should have no master.

Tony Stark in Cosmic Hulkbuster armor in What If Galactus Transformed Hulk
(Image Source: Marvel / Lan Medina)

While the story introduces little we haven’t seen before, the fight scenes are well illustrated. Lan Medina perfectly captures the scope of Galactus and the Hulk’s powers. Colorist Juancho Velez also distinguishes himself through some distinctive lighting effects.

Ultimately, What If…? Galactus Transformed Hulk? is a mixed bag. The artwork is good, but the story feels like it needed a stronger ending and a deeper exploration of Banner’s character. It also could have used a central fight scene more thrilling than yet another Hulkbuster battle.

Grade: 5/10

What If…? Galactus Transformed Hulk#1 is now available at comic shops everywhere.
