Avengers 21 cover by Valerio Schiti cropped
(Image Source: Marvel / Valerio Schiti)

Magneto Clarifies New Personal Mission in Avengers #21

Magneto may be the most changed character in Marvel Comics history. Originally portrayed as a straightforward villain in X-Men, time mellowed the Master of Magnetism into an anti-hero. Recent events and the decline of his body have further pushed him to reconsider his philosophy, as Avengers #21 shows.

Written by Jed MacKay, with art by Valerio Schiti, Avengers #21 depicts a social meeting of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and the X-Men team based in Alaska. The heroes engage in a friendly softball game before dinner, with powers allowed. It is during this dinner that Magneto opens up to his daughter, Scarlet Witch, and discusses how his recent death and resurrection have opened his eyes to a vital matter.

Magneto fighting all oppressors, not just for Mutants

Magneto notes the cruel irony that for all the power he had, he was held back by the failure of his convictions. After his resurrection, he found a new sense of clarity and a revelation as to the true purpose of his power. Unfortunately, the decay of his body due to R-LDS has caused him to lose that power. Yet that has made him more determined than ever to use what time is left for his new mission. Once, he fought only for the freedom of Mutants, Now, as he explains to a curious Vision, he fights any who would deny the freedom of others.

Magneto explains philosophy in Avengers 21
(Image Source: Marvel / Valerio Schiti)

This revelation prompts an argument with Kid Omega, who is bigoted against artificial intelligences like Vision. Vision said he understood this, however, given Kid Omega’s experience with the Sentinels and other synthetic beings created to kill Mutants. However, Vision also points out that he was originally programmed by Ultron to kill all organic life, Mutant and human.

Vision speaks of how overcame this programming and learned to cherish life in all forms. Vision further states that he believes Magneto to have similarly evolved beyond viewing life in simple binary terms. Where there was once only human and Mutant, Magneto now only sees people who wish to be free of oppression.

Avengers #21 is now available at comic shops everywhere.

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