Since the end of the Blood Hunt event, Doctor Doom has held the position of Sorcerer Supreme. He has largely stayed within the borders of his nation, Latveria, his plans a mystery to the world at large. This February, he will make his grand design known, conquering Earth in one bold step, creating One World Under Doom!
Teased throughout 2024, One World Under Doom was first announced at NYCC 2024. While taking place throughout the Marvel Universe, the storyline will be framed by a nine-part miniseries. This miniseries will be written by Fantastic Four writer Ryan North, with art by X-Men artist R.B. Silva. The color art will be provided by both David Curiel and Ben Harvey.
Five fully-colored but unlettered pages from One World Under Doom #1 can be viewed below:

One World Under Doom reveals why Doctor Doom is the ultimate villain
“Doom, to me, is the ultimate villain, because even when he loses he wins,” North shared. “He’s not some guy you can punch a bunch until he stops doing crimes. He’s a man who has thought deeply about how to achieve precisely what he wants, and how to ensure others are manipulated into supporting him. One World Under Doom opens after Doom has taken over the world overnight. And there is a mystery in how he did it, how he got everyone to acquiesce to his rule. But there’s also a bigger and more terrifying question: now that he’s taken over the world, what is he going to do with it? And what will the Fantastic Four and the Avengers do to stop him?”
“One World Under Doom is a story I’ve been working on since 2023,” North continued. “This huge head start is such a gift when telling a story like this: I can make sure it all hangs together properly, and for other artists working on tie-ins with their books, I can share completed scripts instead of just an idea of what happens. Because of that I’m very excited for where this story has gone, and can go. It’s been really exciting to hear what other teams have planned with their books to take advantage of this new status quo. We’re all pulling in the same direction.”
One World Under Doom #1 arrives in comic shops everywhere on February 12, 2025.