Chameleon by Mark Bagley
(Image Source: Marvel/ Mark Bagley)

Spider-Man Villain Chameleon Gains Massive Power Boost

The Chameleon is notable as the first supervillain Peter Parker ever faced in Amazing Spider-Man #1. Originally, Dmitri Smerdyakov was a master of disguise who later gained the power of true shape-shifting, like Mystique. However, the classic Spider-Man villain seems to have increased his powers yet again in Spider-Gwen: The Ghost Spider #3.

Written by Stephanie Phillips, with art by Federica Mancin, Spider-Gwen: The Ghost Spider #3 finds Chameleon now impersonating Ghost Spider. The alternate-universe Gwen Stacy recently came to Earth-616 as an undercover agent of the TVA. Unfortunately, Spider-Gwen has never done well going unnoticed. Moreover, her heroism put her on the radar of Black Tarantula, a crime boss determined to squash the new Spider.

Spider-Gwen faces Chameleon in Spider-Gwen The Ghost Spider 3
(Image Source: Marvel / Federica Mancin)

This leads to an epic battle in the middle of Manhattan as Gwen tries to stop Chameleon’s efforts to paint her as a villain. Despite his skills as an impressionist, Chameleon shouldn’t be a match in a fight for a hero like Ghost-Spider. However, the fight takes a strange turn when the shape-shifter seemingly mimics the powers of Sandman and makes his escape.

Spider-Man villain Chameleon now copying appearances and powers

An explanation was offered when Miles Morales arrived to help clear the crime scene. The young Spider-Man explained who Chameleon was to Ghost-Spider, who hadn’t encountered a similar villain on her Earth. However, he noted that Chameleon had never shown the ability to copy powers and appearances before, suggesting he picked up some new tricks while hiding overseas.

Chameleon out of control in Spider-Gwen The Ghost Spider 3
(Image Source: Marvel / Federica Mancin)

The final pages of Spider-Gwen: The Ghost Spider #3 suggest that the heroes may have bigger problems than an empowered Chameleon. While checking up on the villain, Black Tarantula discovered that Chameleon was unstable, shifting identities while screaming how he needed “more power!” As dangerous as Chameleon was as a shape-shifter, he would be even worse as a mimic who can’t control himself

Spider-Gwen: The Ghost Spider #3 is available at comic shops everywhere.
