For all the grief Green Arrow gets for being a Batman rip-off, he did beat the Dark Knight to the punch in one area. His base of operations, the Arrowcave, appeared in comics one year before the first appearance of the Batcave. Alas, time and circumstance forced Oliver Queen to abandon that headquarters. However, before he left Team Arrow to join with Amanda Waller, he gave them a perfect new headquarters.

The new base is revealed in Green Arrow #14, by Joshua Williamson, Amancay Nahuelpan, and Sean Izaakse. A tie-in to Absolute Power, the comic finds Team Arrow being asked to stand as the last line of defense against Amanda Waller. However, none of them are willing to simply hide out on the same island where Oliver Queen was once shipwrecked. Thankfully, there is more to their new digs than just a sizeable beach house.

Arsenal reveals that Green Arrow built a new Arrowcave under the island. While incomplete, it did boast an impressive shooting gallery and armory full of trick arrows. It also had multiple Arrow Planes, capable of letting Team Arrow fly out in search of their current quarry, Amazo creator Professor Ivo.
Why new Arrowcave is perfect base for Green Arrow family
Beyond the assets if offers, the new Arrowcave truly is the perfect base for Team Arrow. While Green Arrow usually worked in Star City or Seattle, the Arrow Family as a whole operate on a global scale. Logically, it would make sense for them to have a headquarters that allows them the mobility to go where they are needed.
Secrecy is another benefit the new Arrowcave offers. Few people know the whereabouts of the island where Oliver Queen became Green Arrow. Given that, it should be hard for Amanda Waller to locate after Team Arrow targets her. That being said, they really should call the new base “The Quiver” instead of the Arrowcave.
Green Arrow #14 is now available at comic shops everywhere.