Spider-Man and Mary Jane by Marco Checchetto
(Image Source: Marvel / Marco Checchetto)

Mary Jane Proves Her Value in Ultimate Spider-Man #6

There has been considerable debate in recent years over the character of Mary Jane Watson. Some prefer Spider-Man as a web-swinging single, and thought his marriage to Mary Jane was a mistake. Others, however, were thrilled by the news that the new Ultimate Universe would feature an older Peter Parker, who was married to MJ and had two kids. The ending of Ultimate Spider-Man #6 seems to serve as a rebuttal to those who argue there’s no place for Mary Jane in Spider-Man’s life.

Written by Jonathan Hickman, with art by Marco Checchetto, Ultimate Spider-Man #6 is largely told in flashback. After showing up for a family dinner with bruises he can’t explain, Peter Parker comes clean on his double life. He tells his family about his battle with the Kingpin, and how he’d been a vigilante for several months.

Mary Jane impressed in Ultimate Spider-Man 6
(Image Source: Marvel / Marco Checchetto)

Mary Jane was not angry by the revelation. Indeed, she was more relieved and proud of her husband than anything. Her only concern, which Peter shared, was that his new life might endanger their children somehow. With the secret out, however, her thoughts turned to how she might help her husband.

Mary Jane comes up with Spider-Man name

In the Ultimate Universe, Mary Jane Watson manages her own successful marketing firm. Naturally, her mind turns to considering the image her husband presents to the world. She agrees with her daughter that Peter’s red and blue costume works. However, she is curious what she should call Peter when he is in costume.

Mary Jane gives Spider-Man his name
(Image Source: Marvel / Marco Checchetto)

This leads to a startling revelation. Peter had yet to come up with a codename and Tony Stark didn’t give him one with the spider that triggered his powers. MJ suggests the obvious and Spider-Man is born in the Ultimate Universe.

Ultimate Spider-Man #6’s take on Mary Jane is a breath of fresh air. In recent years, other writers portrayed MJ as jealous of Peter’s double-life and completely unsupportive of him. Hickman, however, has recreated the original MJ – a passionate spitfire who will do anything to help her favorite hero.

Ultimate Spider-Man #6 is now available at comic shops everywhere.
