At first, the alien hero Dreamer was happy to help Amanda Waller. That was before she learned the truth of what the Suicide Squad leader was planning. Now, she’s on the run, and the rest of her team is hunting her in Suicide Squad: Dream Team #3.

Written by Nicole Maines, with art by Eddy Barrows, Dream Team has been one of the more interesting titles leading up to this summer’s Absolute Power event. This is partly due to Maines’ insight into the Dreamer character, whom she portrayed on the Supergirl television series. However, the series has also offered a look inside the mind of Amanda Waller and the operations of the new Suicide Squad.
The first four pages of Suicide Squad: Dream Team #3 can be viewed below:

Why Amanda Waller Needs Dreamer for Suicide Squad
Savvy readers may wonder why Amanda Waller is investing so much effort in recapturing Dreamer. Nia Nal is not the first person to try and escape from Waller’s clutches. She is, however, one of the rare few that “The Wall” seemed important enough to recapture alive. Usually, anyone who gives Waller trouble can measure their lives in seconds, or however long it takes her to activate the bomb implanted in the brains of all Suicide Squad recruits. Even those willing recruits who go rogue can expect to be killed by their former teammates.

The answer lies in the Free Comic Book Day Absolute Power preview. This book affirmed what had already been hinted earlier in Suicide Squad: Dream Team. Namely, that Amanda Waller has been using Dreamer’s prophetic powers to predict what actions she should take in regards to her war on Earth’s superheroes.
While Waller is not normally one to trust prophecy, she came to trust Dreamer’s visions after the hero tried to talk her out of her current course of action. Waller realized this was because Dreamer kept seeing a future where Waller won. The only way Dreamer could think to stop her was by directly challenging Waller to do something else. This spoke to both her bravery and her naivety, making her a prime target for Waller’s schemes.
Suicide Squad: Dream Team #3 arrives in comic shops everywhere on May 14, 2024.