Wonder Woman by Cris Delara
(Image Source: DC / Cris Delara)

Wonder Woman Trains in a Surprising Skill

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Princess Diana of Themyscira was trained from birth to excel in all things, defeating her sisters in a tournament to represent the Amazons as Wonder Woman. Diana continues to evolve, and Wonder Woman #5 by Tom King and Daniel Sampere reveals a surprising skill that Diana has now mastered.

Continuing the story of the Amazons Attack event, Wonder Woman #5 finds Diana dueling her fellow Amazons. All three women who bore the title of Wonder Girl challenged Diana’s decision to face the American government alone. Under Amazon law, this required them to settle the disagreement with a contest, the loser abiding by the winner’s wishes.

Donna Troy realized she stood little chance against Diana in a traditional Amazon duel. This led her to choose “something different” as the arena for their contest. Rather than arm-wrestling or archery, Donna ultimately chose to face Diana in a superhero fighting game resembling the real world video game Injustice.

Wonder Woman Mastered Fighting Games

Wonder Woman is a gamer
(Image Source: DC / Daniel Sampere)

It was a bold strategy on the part of Donna. Technically video games met all the criteria for an Amazon challenge, being based on skill and combat. Donna also has considerable experience as a gamer after years of hanging out with Cyborg and Beast Boy.

Unfortunately for Donna, Diana is a strategist even if she is not a gamer. Knowing what she knew of Donna, Diana guessed what her sister’s challenge might entail and began training accordingly. She took the time to master one character (Superman) and tried to play him as he would fight for real. By holding back until it was time to unleash her full power, Diana was able to play upon Donna’s overconfidence and secure an unlikely victory.

Wonder Woman #5 is now available at comic shops everywhere.
