The Speed Force that empowers the Flash grants him a number of abilities beyond running fast. Wally West just found a way to weaponize one of his defensive abilities into a new power.

The new power was revealed in The Flash #2 by Si Spurrier and Mike Deodato Jr. The opening scene found Wally West facing a creature he could only describe as an “abomination from between realities.” Wally could not touch this enemy directly, as the Lovecraftian creature dismantled everything it touched, “along lines and angles that don’t make sense.” Thankfully, West had no need to touch the monster, thanks to a clever application of the Speed Force.
Beyond granting speedsters fantastic velocity, the Speed Force also protects them from the physical effects of their powers. This protection is delivered through an aura that shields the speedster from friction and air pressure. Most speedsters generate this aura automatically, but the Flash honed took things one step further.
His control of his aura was such that he could make it solid. This effectively makes him capable of generating a force field, on top of his other powers. With that, he was able to safely run through the monster.

The Flash Does More Than Run Fast
This trick is typical of how the Flash and other speedsters manipulate the Speed Force in creative ways. Wally West is particularly noteworthy in this regard. Beyond using the Speed Force to boost his own acceleration, Wally can drain the velocity from other moving objects. He can then use this pirated speed to boost his own abilities.
The Flash rarely needs to do this, being the Fastest Man Alive. However, the ability to siphon speed from other sources can passively neutralize a threat in situations where he cannot use his powers openly. The Flash’s new force field power could offer similar benefits, allowing him to shield others when he can’t run them out of danger.
The Flash #2 is now available at comic shops everywhere.