Best Amazon deals September 20

Superhero Hype’s Best Amazon Deals For Batman Day

This week’s installment of scorching Amazon deals is cool, calculated and held to a certain code. But on Batman Day, we’re talking all things Dark Knight in our discount digest. Amazon has a vast library of titles on sale featuring Batman and other Gotham icons, but we’ve parsed out the best to get you started. Here are Superhero Hype’s best Amazon deals for Batman Day!

Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Deluxe Edition

Let’s kick things of with one the Caped Crusader’s latest and oddest adventures. Batman and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles team up to take on both of their rogues galleries thanks to a partnership between DC Comics and IDW. The battle for Gotham rages across dimensions in one of the most celebrated crossovers in recent history. Pick up your hardcover copy packed with extras for nearly 50% off.

Batman: Knightfall Vol. 1 25th Anniversary Edition

We move from a recent classic to one of the most iconic moments in Batman’s long history. The Dark Knight’s wars with Bane are legendary. But no moment stands out more than when Bane broke Batman’s back. This is the 25th anniversary edition of the story that made Bane an iconic villain. And you can grab it at a 30% discount in paperback and 75% off on Kindle.

Batman: The Golden Age Vol. 1

Bruce Wayne wouldn’t be fighting crime today without his formative years nearly eight decades ago. Batman’s initial adventures by Bill Finger and Bob Kane laid a solid foundation for the character to grow. And grow he did. This collection of some of his best early battles is a steal at 21% in paperback and 83% on Kindle.

Batman Vol. 3: Death of The Family

The New 52 is a four-letter word to some comics fans, but Batman is one character that benefited heavily from the reboot. After kicking off with the Court of Owls. the book soon turned its eye to the Joker. The Clown Prince returns to Gotham after having his face cut off and sets his sights on the entire Batman Family. The thrilling tale is available at nearly 30% off in paperback and 71% off on Kindle.

Batman: Earth One Vol. 2

It’s always a party when Geoff Johns and Gary Frank get another chance to collaborate. And Batman: Earth One doesn’t disappoint. The series of graphic novels completely re-imagines the Batman mythos in an intriguing fashion, uprooting prior character conventions and weaving a powerful new story that still captures the spirit of the Dark Knight. Bring that vengeance home at 40% off in hardcover and 67% off on Kindle.

What deals have you spotted on Amazon this week? Let us know in the comment section below!
