Exclusive Preview: Valkyrie: Jane Foster #2

Way back in the early days of the Marvel Universe, Jane Foster was only a nurse and Thor’s love interest. But since then, she’s become both a doctor and Thor. Or at least she had the powers of Thor while the Odinson was “unworthy.” Jane’s brush with godhood was relatively brief. However, in the aftermath of the War of the Realms, Jane has once again been empowered. Now, she’s the last of the Valkyrie.

During Jane’s first time out as a Valkyrie, the assassin known as Bullseye managed to steel Dragonfang right out from under her nose. Dragonfang was the sword of Jane’s predecessor, Brunnhilde, and it’s given Bullseye the power to kill a god. Namely, Heimdall!

In Superhero Hype’s exclusive preview for Valkyrie: Jane Foster #2, co-writers Jason Aaron and Al Ewing team with the artist, Cafu, as they bring Jane face-to-face with Bullseye. Heimdall is barely clinging to life, but Dragonfang has made Bullseye deadlier than  than ever. And Jane is in way over hear head.

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Here’s the official description from Marvel: “INTRODUCING THE GOD OF THE KILL – BULLSEYE! The deadliest shot in the Marvel Universe just got his hands on the sword of a god! With the Asgardian weapon Dragonfang, Bullseye has the power to kill a god in a single stroke — and he’s about to prove it. Jane Foster, the newly christened Valkyrie, must learn a hard lesson: Not every death can be prevented. Who is next on Bullseye’s list — and what is the assassin really after?”

You can read the full preview in our gallery below. Valkyrie: Jane Foster #2 will hit comic book stores on Wednesday, August 21. What did you think about the preview? Let us know in the comment section below!

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