To celebrate this summer’s comic book blockbuster Spider-Man 2, dreamwatch magazine is releasing an exclusive comic book movies supplement with it’s latest issue, which investigates the “Top 10 Comic Book Movies” of all time.
Films in the “Top 10 Comic Book Movies” of all-time list include, X-Men, Batman, Superman, Blade and Spider-Man. For the entire Top 10 list check out the latest issue of dreamwatch on sale May 27 in the UK and June 15 in the US.
dreamwatch editor David Bassom tells us what criteria was used to select the top ten. “The dreamwatch team based our selection of the top 10 comic-book movies, first and foremost, on each films’ success as a viewing experience. We ranked the movies according to how enjoyable, entertaining and inspiring they are.”
Also in the latest issue, Tobey Maguire tells the magazine why Spider-Man 2 is set to surpass the original film.

Source: dreamwatch Magazine