DC Comics’ Next Event Month Will be ‘Five Years Later’

Ever since the launch of DC’s The New 52, September has served as a special month that marks the anniversary of its beginning. On the first anniversary of the line-wide reboot, we were given “Zero Month” that explained origins and told early stories for many of the characters, and this year we had “Villains Month,” which focused on the darker side of the DCU. Now the plans for next year’s event have seemingly been revealed, unintentionally.

In the latest DC All Access video (via Bleeding Cool), a layout can be seen on co-publisher Dan Didio’s desk for some potential logos for the new event which is titled “Five Years Later.” In September of 2014, every issue in The New 52 will “jump ahead” five years and tell stories featuring the characters in the future. Following the end of the event, a new weekly series will begin that continues the stories originally teased.

Check out the video and a photo of the logos below. What do you think will happen in the DCU in five years? Sound off below!
